Nichola Lorenzon

Pilates Instructor

With a background in Health and Wellbeing, Nichola is a big believer that you need to “walk the talk” – and maintaining an active lifestyle is part of her wellness philosophy.

Nichola was first introduced to Pilates by a friend and colleague in 2008, who suggested she try it to help her ailing office body. So she understands first-hand the challenges and discomfort of too much time sitting or standing at a desk. Like so many others, experiencing Pilates for the first time, she was instantly hooked.

When working with Nichola it is very clear that she has extensive experience in teaching and educating so the decision to become a Pilates Instructor was a natural progression.

Nichola completed the BASI Pilates teacher training programme in 2018 and appreciates the value the BASI Block System offers as a progressive way to structure exercises for a range of levels and abilities and how this approach contributes to an overall positive and rewarding movement experience.

Nichola attended:

  • BASI Pilates’ Learn from The Leaders Conference in 2021 hosted by BASI Pilates Australia which provided a whole array of continued education and exposure to research material currently used in the Pilates industry.
  • She also completed Pilates education with Rael Isacowitz focused on the benefits of Pilates to benefit our Aging Population

Nichola is truly excited to be a part of our dynamic team and she enjoys working with and alongside a wide range of Pilates enthusiasts (or soon to be enthusiasts!).

She adapts easily to her client’s needs and her positive attitude and appreciation that we are all unique, makes her sessions holistic, fun and enjoyable for all clients who work with her. She has a keen eye for detail and helps clients understand how to adapt for better movement mechanics.

As you embark on, or continue with, your own Pilates journey in Nichola’s classes, you will discover that there is always something new to inspire you.

Contact Details


Phone: 09 302 0709